Search Results
Results 1 to 20 of 20
Name | Description | Year | |
1 | A. P. Bachelder | Petition recommending the appointment of John W. V. Norwood to the office of Register of Deeds for Knox County. | 1860 |
2 | A. S. Bachelder | Recommending the reappointment of James Wright to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Somerset County. | 1873 |
3 | C. G. Bachelder | Petition recommending the appointment of Jotham Shepherd as inspector of lime and lime cask for the Town of Camden. | 1868 |
4 | C. G. Bachelder | Recommending Peter Thacher as judge for the Supreme Judicial Court. | 1859 |
5 | C. G. Bachelder | Recommending the appointment of Cyril Pearl to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools. | 1859 |
6 | Campbell Bachelder | Recommending the appointment of Enoch Bunker to the office of Trial Justice for Penobscot County. | 1860 |
7 | Charles E. Bachelder | Recommending the appointment of Charles E. Bachelder to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Kennebec County. | 1871 |
8 | Cyrus Bachelder | Petition recommending the appointment of Stephen Rider to the office of Trial Justice for the town of Palermo. | 1860 |
9 | Daniel Bachelder | Petition recommending the appointment of Stephen Rider to the office of Trial Justice for the town of Palermo. | 1860 |
10 | G. A. Bachelder | Petition recommending the appointment of David Norton to the office of Trial Justice. | 1860 |
11 | G. W. Bachelder | Accepting the commission as major general of the 2nd division of the militia. | 1840 |
12 | George W. Bachelder | Resignation from the office as Judge of the Police Court of the City of Gardiner. | 1852 |
13 | J. A. Bachelder | Acknowledging the receipt from Philip C. Johnson copies of a proclamation from the Governor. | 1842 |
14 | J. A. Bachelder | Petition recommending the appointment of David Norton to the office of Trial Justice. | 1860 |
15 | J. R. Bachelder | Petition recommending the appointment of James L. Stoddard to the office of Register of Deeds for Kennebec County. | 1870 |
16 | J. R. Bachelder | Acknowledging the receipt of blank election returns. | 1842 |
17 | J. R. Bachelder | Acknowledging the receipt of blank returns. | 1845 |
18 | James R. Bachelder | Communication regarding vacancies within the militia. | 1856 |
19 | Melvin Bachelder | Recommending the appointment of Daniel Smith to the office of Trial Justice. | 1860 |
20 | O. R. Bachelder | Regarding Mr. Smith's license to preach so that he may receive a commission to solemnize marriages. | 1871 |
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