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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1A. K. AustinPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894
2Albert M. AustinPetition recommending the appointment of Albert M. Austin to the office of Trial Justice for Oxford County.1872
3C. H. AustinPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894
4Charles H. AustinPetition recommending the appointment of James H. Macomber to the office of Trial Justice.1860
5Edward A. AustinRecommending the appointment of Edward A. Austin to the office of justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Washington County.1873
6Edward A. AustinResignation of Edward A. Austin as a Trial Justice for Washington County.1878
7F. J. AustinPetition recommending the appointment of Robert Goodenow to the office of Judge of Probate for Franklin County.1870
8Farnum AustinCommunication dealing with the appointment of Farnum Austin as Inspector of Hops within and for the County of Oxford.1857
9G. D. AustinPetition recommending the appointment of George A. Smith to the office of register of deeds within Franklin County.1868
10George D. AustinRecommending the appointment of George A. Smith to the office of Register of Deeds.1868
11Horatio AustinRecommending the appointment of Horatio Austin to the office of Coroner for Oxford County.1872
12Horiatio AustinAcknowledging the receipt of blank election returns for distribution within Oxford County.1866
13Hosea AustinRecommending the appointment of Nathaniel T. True to the office of Superintendent of Schools.1860
14Ivers I. AustinAcknowledging the receipt of his commission as Commissioner for the State and to take the acknowledgments of Deed, etc. for the State within the State of Massachusetts.1850
15J. P. AustinPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894
16James T. AustinCommunication from the attorney general's office from the State of Massachusetts.1839
17Luther W. AustinCommunication in regards to a mane by the name of Cilley is confined at Charlestown Navy Yard, he may have committed a murder.1837
18M. AustinPetition recommending the appointment of O. J. Fernald to the office of Superintendent of Schools.1860
19O. J. AustinPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894
20W. H. AustinPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894
21W. K. AustinRecommending the appointment of William K. Austin to the office of Keeper of the Arsenal in Portland.1868
22W. K. AustinCorrespondence regarding the new State Arsenal Keeper in Portland.1869
23William K. AustinRecommending the appointment of William K. Austin to the office of Keeper of the Arsenal in Portland.1869

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