Lincoln County 1790
NARA Roll# M637-2 (FHL Roll# 568142)
Towns included: Balltown (p. 343); Bath (p. 262); Between Norridgewalk and Seven Mile Brook (p. 29); Booth Bay (p. 265); Bowdoin (p. 23); Bowdoinham (p. 266); Bristol (p. 295); Canaan (p. 22); Carrytunck (p. 28); Cars Plantation, or Unity (p. 19); Chester Plantation (p. 20); Cushing (p. 330); Edgecomb (p. 268); Fairfield (p. 32); George Town (p. 263); Great Pond Plantation (p. 344); Green (p. 42); Hallowell (p. 257); Hancock (pp. 31, 348); Hunts Meadow (p. 257); Jones Plantation (p. 136); Lewistown & the Adjoining Gore (pp. 34, 348); Little River (p. 34); Livermore, so called, on Easterly Side of Androscoggin River (p. 46); Maduncook (p. 329); New Castle (p. 260); New Sandish, so called (p. 43); Nobleborough (p. 294); Norridgewalk (p. 30); Pittston (p. 256); Plantation called Smithtown (p. 40); Plantation called Wales (p. 41); Plantation of Littleborough (p. 43); Plantation of Starling, so called (p. 44); Pownalborough (p. 253); Prescotts & Whitchers Plantations (p. 19); Rockmeeko, on east side of river (p. 46); Sandy River First Township (p. 20); Sandy River from its mouth to Cars Plantation (p. 29); Sandy River Middle Township (p. 21); Sandy River Upper Township (p. 20); Settlement East of Norridgewalk (p. 32); Seven Mile Brook (p. 28); Thomaston (p. 325); Titcoms Township (p. 26); Topsham (p. 261); Twentyfive Mile Pond (p. 25); Union (p. 328); Vassalborough (p. 135); Waldoborough (p. 294); Warren (p. 323); Washington Plantation (pp. 44, 49); Winslow, with its adjacents (pp. 26, 348); Winthrop (p. 46); Woolwich (p. 267).