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Maine Places

Resource Guide

Sullivan, Hancock County

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Hancock County (set off from Lincoln County in 1789)



Previous Designations

Township No. 2 East of Union River, Livermore Survey (T2 EUR LS); Waukeag; New Bristol

Boundary Changes

Land was set off to form Hancock in 1828

Land was set off to form Sorrento in 1895

Part of T7 SD was annexed in 1899

Villages, Locations and Settlements

Ashville, East Sullivan, North Sullivan, Schoodic (former railroad station), Sullivan, Sullivan Falls, Tunk Pond (former railroad station), Tunk Lake, West Sullivan

Adjacent Towns and Townships

Franklin, Gouldsboro, Hancock, Sorrento, T7 SD, T9 SD, T10 SD


Maine Historical Maps: Sullivan

Military Records

World War I Soldiers Index: Sullivan

General Resources

FamilySearch Catalog: Sullivan, Hancock, Maine

Maine Memory Network: Sullivan


Cooper, S. Josephine, ed., A Bicentennial history of Sullivan, Maine ([Sullivan, Me.] : Sullivan-Sorrento Historical Society, c1989)

Emery, John S., The Sullivan Family of Sullivan, Maine: with some account of the town (Bangor, Me.: unknown, 1891)

Foss, Thomas, A brief account of the early settlements along the shores of Skilling's River: including West Sullivan, West Gouldsborough, Trenton Point and North Hancock: also reminescences [sic] and anecdotes of old times and old folks ([Hancock, Me.?: s.n.], 1870 (N.K. Sawyer, Printer))

Johnson, Lelia A. Clark, Sullivan and Sorrento Since 1760 (Ellsworth, Me.: Hancock County Publishing Co., 1953)

Limeburner, Grace M. Grindle, The folks of Waukeag : later called New Bristol, and incorporated under the name of Sullivan, Maine, February 16, 1789 (North Brooksville, Me. : G. Limeburner, [1950])

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