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Maine Places

Resource Guide

Porter, Oxford County

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Oxford County (set off form York County in 1805)


1807 from Porterfield Plantation

Previous Designations

Porterfield Township

Boundary Changes

Land was set off to Brownfield upon Porter's incorporation in 1807, including that part known as Cutler's Upper Grant; additional land was set off to that town in 1831, 1832, and 1855

Villages, Locations and Settlements

Kezar Falls, Porter, Porter Bridge (former post office at Porter), Porterfield, Stanley (former post office)

Adjacent Towns and Townships

Brownfield, Freedom (N.H.), Hiram, Parsonsfield


Maine Historical Maps: Porter


Porter Cemeteries

Military Records

Porter Military Men

World War I Soldiers Index: Porter

Vital Records

Marriages Recorded in Porter Prior to Apr. 18, 1833

Marriages Recorded in Porter, 1833 to 1858

General Resources

FamilySearch Catalog: Porter, Oxford, Maine

Official Website: Town of Porter

Parsonsfield-Porter Historical Society

Maine Memory Network: Porter


Mitchell, Harry Edward, compiler, The Town Register, 1907: Brownfield, Denmark, Hiram and Porter (Brunswick, Me.: H. E. Mitchell Co., 1907)

Moulton, Thomas, Porter, as a Portion of Maine: its settlement, etc. (Portland, Me., Hoyt, Fogg & Donham, 1879)

Teg, William, History of Porter (Kezar Falls, Me.: Parsonfield-Porter Historical Society, c1957)

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