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Phippsburg, Sagadahoc County

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Sagadahoc County (set off from Lincoln County in 1854)


1814 from part of Georgetown

Previous Designations

Once considered part of the Pejepscot Purchase, but annexed to the Plymouth Claim (Kennebec Purchase) in 1766

With Bath and West Bath was anciently called Small Point Neck

The southern part of the town was until 1741 part of North Yarmouth

Boundary Changes

Ragged Island was set off to Harpswell in 1891

Certain islands in Casco Bay were annexed in 1903, but set off again in 1905 when the previous act was repealed

Bushy, Hen, Bear, Malaga, Burnt Coat, Black Snake, Wood, Little Wood, and Gooseberry Islands were annexed in 1917

Prominent Islands

Bear Island, Harbor Island, Hermit Island, Lee Island, Wood Island

Villages, Locations and Settlements

Ashdale, Brightwater, Cape Small (or Cliffstone, a former post office at Small Point Beach), Cliffstone, Fort Baldwin, Hunnewell's Point (former post office at Popham Beach), Meadowbrook (Meadow Brook), Parker Head (Parker's Head), Phippsburg, Popham Beach, Sebasco, Sebasco Estates, Small Point, Small Point Beach, West Point (Westpoint), Winnegance

Adjacent Towns and Townships

Arrowsic, Bath, Georgetown, Harpswell, West Bath


Maine Historical Maps: Phippsburg

Church Records

Phippsburg, Maine. Congregational Church Records, 1765-1837 — founded as the First Church of Georgetown

Military Records

Phippsburg Civil War Soldiers

World War I Soldiers Index: Phippsburg

General Resources

FamilySearch Catalog: Phippsburg, Sagadahoc, Maine

Official Website: Town of Phippsburg

MEGenWeb Project: Phippsburg

Maine Memory Network: Phippsburg

Maine Memory Network: Popham Beach


Mitchell, Harry Edward, et al., comp., The town register: Phippsburg, Georgetown, Arrowsic, West Bath, Westport, 1906 (Brunswick, Me., The H. E. Mitchell co., 1906)

Parker, Arlita Dodge, A History of Pemaquid; with Sketches of Monhegan, Popham and Castine (Boston, Mass.: MacDonald & Evans, 1925)

Reed, Parker McCobb, History of the lower Kennebec, 1602-1889 (Bath, Me.: [s.n.], 1889 (Sentinel and Times Print))

Wheeler, Henry Warren, "Ancient Augusta," Collections and Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society, Second Series, Vol. 3 (Portland, Me.: The Society, 1892)

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