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Madawaska, Aroostook County

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Aroostook County (set off from Hancock County to Penobscot County in 1816, to Aroostook County in 1839)


1831 as the town of Madawaska from territory comprising some 2,734,080 acres on both sides of the St. John River; the act of incorporation was never repealed, and the town never sent a representative to the Legislature.


1844 as Madawaska Plantation; organized for election purposes in 1859, and in 1862 for the assessment of taxes



Previous Designations

Township 18, Fourth Range West of the Easterly Line of the State (T18 R4 WELS); Madawaska Settlement

Villages, Locations and Settlements

Cleveland, Dionne Corner, Fournier, Madawaska, Pelletier (former railroad station), St. David, Upper Madawaska (former post office at Madawaska), West Madawaska (former post office)

Adjacent Towns and Townships

Edmundston (N.B.), Frenchville, Grand Isle, St. Agatha, T17 R4 WELS


Maine Historical Maps: Madawaska

Census Records

1820 Census: Madawaska Parish, French Settlement, Penobscot County


St. David Cemetery

Military Records

World War I Soldiers Index: Madawaska


St. John Valley Times

Maine Obituaries: St. John Valley Times

General Resources

FamilySearch Catalog: Madawaska, Aroostook, Maine

Official Website: Town of Madawaska

Maine Memory Network: Madawaska

Maine Memory Network: St. David


______, Madawaska Historical Society newsletter (Madawaska, Me. : Madawaska Historical Society, 1970- )

______, Le Brayon (Edmundston, N.B. : Société historique du Madawaska, 1971-1981)

Albert, Julie D., Madawaska centennial, 1869-1969 ([Madawaska, Me. : s.n., 1969?])

Albert, Thomas, (English translation by Therese Doucette and Sr. Francis G. Doucette), The history of Madawaska : according to the historical researches of Patrick Therriault and the handwritten notes of Prudent L. Mercure (Histoire du Madawaska : d'apres les recherches historiques de Patrick Therriault et les notes manuscrites de Prudent L. Mercure) (Madawaska, Me. : Madawaska Historical Society, c1989)

Chassé, Géraldine Pelletier, "Papa Town" : the life of Levite Eloi Rossignol : fifty years in the history of the town of Madawaska, Maine (Madawaska, Me. : Valley Publishing Co., 1980)

Collins, Charles W., The Acadians of Madawaska, Maine (Boston, Mass.: T. A. Whalen, 1902)

Dubay, Guy F., Light on the past : documentation on our Acadian heritage ([Madawaska, Me. : Town of Madawaska], 1995 (Caribou, Me. : Rainbow Printing))

Lucey, William Leo, "Madawaska on the river St. John : New England's last frontier," The Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, vol. 60, no. 3 (1949)

Mercure, Prudent L. (Roger Paradis, ed.), Papers of Prudent L. Mercure : histoire du Madawaska (Madawaska, Maine : Madawaska Historical Society, 1998)

Michaud, Guy R., Brève histoire du Madawaska : débuts à 1900 (Edmundston, N.B. : Éditions GRM, c1984)

Pozzuto, Cecile Dufour, comp., Madoueskak, 1785-1985 : a pictorial history, recapturing the past ([S.l. : s.n., 1985])

Thibadeau, William J., The Irishman : a factor in the development of Houlton ; a history of the Parish of St. Mary's ; a word about the Acadian of Madawaska (Augusta, Me. : Kennebec journal, 1909?)

Violette, Lawrence A., How the Acadians came to Maine ([Madawaska, Me. : s.n., 1952?])

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