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Maine Places

Resource Guide

Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County

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Androscoggin County (set off from Lincoln County to Kennebec County in 1799, declared part of Kennebec County in 1844, set off to Androscoggin County in 1854)


1843 as East Livermore from part of Livermore; name changed to Livermore Falls in 1930

Villages, Locations and Settlements

Brown's Mills (former post office, later called East Livermore Mills), Haines Corner, Livermore Falls, Moose Hill, Norlands (former railroad station), Shuy (former railroad station), Shuy Corner (Shy Corner), Strickland (Stricklands, Strickland's Ferry)

Adjacent Towns and Townships

Fayette, Jay, Leeds, Livermore, Wayne


Maine Historical Maps: Livermore Falls

General Resources

FamilySearch Catalog: Livermore Falls, Androscoggin, Maine

Official Website: Town of Livermore Falls

MEGenWeb Project: Livermore Falls

Maine Memory Network: Livermore Falls


Mitchell, Harry Edward, et al., comp., The East Livermore and Livermore register, 1903-04 (Kent's Hill, Me., The H. E. Mitchell publishing company, 1903)

Mitchell, Harry Edward, et al., comp., The town register, East Livermore, Livermore, Jay, 1909 (Augusta, Me.: Mitchell Pub. Co., 1909)

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