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Maine Places

Resource Guide

Hollis, York County

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York County


By 1779 as Little Falls Plantation (bounds defined in 1785)


1798 as the town of Phillipsburg (Phillipsburgh); name changed in 1812 to Hollis

Boundary Changes

Land was set off to Limington in 1798

Land was set off to form Dayton in 1854.

Villages, Locations and Settlements

Bar Mills, Bonny Eagle, Clarks Mills, Hollis, Hollis Center, North Hollis, South Hollis, Tylers Corner, West Buxton, West Hollis

Adjacent Towns and Townships

Buxton, Dayton, Limington, Lyman, Waterboro


Maine Historical Maps: Hollis


Cemeteries of York County

Military Records

World War I Soldiers Index: Hollis

General Resources

FamilySearch Catalog: Hollis, York, Maine

Official Website: Town of Hollis

USGenWeb Project: Hollis

Maine Memory Network: Hollis


Mitchell, Harry Edward, et al., comp., The town register: Alfred, Lyman, Dayton, Hollis and Waterboro, 1905 (Brunswick, Me., The H.E. Mitchell Co., 1905)

Ridlon, Gideon Tibbetts, Saco Valley settlements and families: historical, biographical, genealogical, traditional, and legendary... (Portland, Me.: G.T. Ridlon, 1895)

Usher, Ellis Baker, A Short Biographical Sketch of Ellis Baker Usher of Hollis, Maine (Privately printed, 1902)

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